"Charles has been chosen as a top Manifesting Coach by the coachfoundation.com."

Manifestation Coaching with Charles

All the tools that you need to manifest your reality are already out there. The secrets, the techniques, the “Do This and Not That” lists, the YouTube videos, and it goes on and on.

Charles is here to teach you his tried and true ways of manifesting your reality to see results quickly and effectively.

What it means to manifest

For years, manifestation to Charles was the equivalent of attainment. It represented the capacity to reach Point B from Point A. However, it was often met with the idea of, “Wouldn’t it be nice when I reach (fill in the blank).”

As Charles began to practice what it meant to manifest, his views on it completely changed. It is not about attaining. Manifesting is understanding a way of being, your being to be exact.

We are energetic beings that are constantly sending out signals that the universe responds to. The universe does not care what it deals you, it just reacts to you and what you put out.

Charles’ Story

I got my first real proof of consistent manifestation during my short stint working as a food delivery driver. As I ventured around town with my deliveries, I would often see an interesting house and think, “I would like to deliver to that place.” Sure enough, the very next day, I had a delivery to that house. At first it seemed like coincidence, but not by time four or five. It was enough to give me proof to my eyes about manifesting, but I didn’t understand why I could manifest that, but not what I wanted in my life.

In 2020 I had completed my training with HeartMath Institute, and it gave me the final piece of the manifesting puzzle that I needed to help me learn and understand the parts that I was missing. It helped bring a lot of the lessons I had studied about manifesting full circle, and then made it easy to practice.

At this time I was working in the cannabis industry, wanting bigger and better things for my life. I had a plan to leave and move out of state, so I decided, why not start using my techniques at work and just see what happens? Almost immediately, I started to have better interactions with guests and was making more tips than ever before. I was then offered a promotion within the company that kept me instead of moving out of state.

Each time I have applied my manifestation methods to my life, I see immediate reflections in the world around me. I have since manifested two more promotions within the company, a salary I could only dream of, and most recently, success within my personal business.

Manifesting my reality has been more about manifesting myself into the person I want to be. In doing so, my reality has responded by allowing in the things I’ve desired. I believe people can be great together to make change within this world. That is why I now coach others into being better versions of themselves, so we can all be great, together.

What coaching looks like with Charles

Coaching with Charles is based on the practice of doing, instead of study. It requires regular application in order to see results in your life.

The initial program runs for 4 sessions, once a week.

Each session can run up to 1.5 hours. In person sessions only available in Bellingham, WA. Otherwise phone/video call is used.

Cost for 4 weeks: $1,000

If you are new to coaching with Charles, you must start with the month long program. Individual coaching sessions are only available to those who have completed the four week course.

Charles wants to work with individuals who are commited to the coaching whole heartedly. If half the effort is put in, sporatic results may be seen. Once you have completed the month long program, you will have all the information and tools you need to create the life you want. Further coaching is available if needed

coaching vs therapy

Let’s be clear. Coaching with Charles is not therapy, and is not trying to be. In hiring a coach, you are hiring someone to enhance the skills you already have, to take you further within your practice. A coach’s role is to encourage, guide, direct. If professional services are needed, Charles is happy to recommend mental health services.

I’m ready to manifest the life I want…

Great. Reach out to Charles to have a chat with him and see if his program is right for you. It’s time to start being the person you have always wanted to be.

Please note Charles does not guarantee any specific manifestions. Results in the course are dependent upon how much is put in on a daily basis. This course is not a fix for personal, financial, or health issues in your life.